Friday, November 18, 2011

Get to know the plants growing at Graze the Roof

At Graze the Roof, we have an abundance of BIODIVERSITY; plants of different sizes, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and functions. The biodiversity of the garden is one of the factors supporting the resiliency, and health of the system.

As my own gardening experience expands and my knowledge and skill-set become more and more refined, I am getting to know, really know and understand the vast world of plants. Like human beings, plants have personalities, tendencies, and unique characteristics. It is fascinating, magical and as I learn more, I become more enchanted by the miracle of life, growth and gardening...and it is so much FUN.

The first plant I am excited to introduce you to is PINEAPPLE SAGE or Salvia Elegans. It is a perennial shrub, meaning that it has an extensive root system and you do not need to re-plant it year after year like many edible annual plants that we know and love: broccoli, tomato, carrot, etc...

The leaves do smell like pineapple and the bright red tubular flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies.

In traditional Mexico, this plant is used medicinally to treat anxiety and to lower blood pressure.

It is a beautiful plant and can thrive and be enjoyed in both in a containers or in the ground.

Visit our two pineapple sage plants at Graze the Roof during our volunteer workdays (Thursdays 10-2p or the first Sunday of each month between 10a-1p).

Happy planting!

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